This is the complete list of members for AssetDatabase, including all inherited members.
assignCurrentID(T asset, string name) | AssetDatabase | static |
assignCurrentID(T asset) | AssetDatabase | static |
createFont(string filename, int fontSize) | AssetDatabase | static |
createMaterial(string name, shared_ptr< Shader > shader) | AssetDatabase | static |
createMesh(vector< MeshVertex > vertex, vector< unsigned short > triangles) | AssetDatabase | static |
createMeshFromFBX(string filename) | AssetDatabase | static |
createMeshFromOBJ(string filename) | AssetDatabase | static |
createPhysicsMaterial(string name, float friction, float dynamicFriction, float restitution) | AssetDatabase | static |
createSerializationFile(shared_ptr< Asset > asset, string filename) | AssetDatabase | static |
createShader(string name, string vsFilename, string fsFilename) | AssetDatabase | static |
createSound(string filename) | AssetDatabase | static |
createTexture(string filename) | AssetDatabase | static |
getAsset(string name) | AssetDatabase | inlinestatic |
getAsset(unsigned int assetID) | AssetDatabase | static |
init() | AssetDatabase | static |
loadAllMetaFiles() | AssetDatabase | static |
readSerialiationFile(string fullPath) | AssetDatabase | static |
shutdown() | AssetDatabase | static |
tryLoadAsset(string file, string extension) | AssetDatabase | static |