Cargo Transport
Written on June 23rd , 2015 by admin
Cargo Transport is a space-themed online physics game, featuring a persistent open world for players that enjoy both single-player and collaborative multiplayer experiences. Unlike most multiplayer games, Cargo Transport aims at an easy drop-in and drop-out experience that can be enjoyed independently of the number of players online.
This project was developed during my second term at the CDM in collaboration with Radial Games.
- Lead Programmer
- Project Management
What I accomplished:
- First time to develop an online multiplayer game
- Better understanding of client/server architecture for games
- Be careful not to break previous iterations when developing new mechanics and dynamics in the prototyping stage
- Data-driven design allows the entire team to be more efficient
- The importance of having the entire team on the same page at all times
- Importance of a well developed team culture